Friday, October 15, 2010

My Outside Reading Book: The Catcher In the Rye

I chose the book The Catcher In the Rye because after reading  To Kill a Mockingbird. I realized that I actually enjoyed reading classic stories. Ive been told to read certain books just because they were famous, and I was wary at the beginning when I was considering the book, just because everyone last year was reading because J.D. Salinger died. I didn’t want to seem like a fanboy, but I also wanted to read a very good book.
So after reading the first 15 chapters, I decided I actually like the book. The way the main character, Holden Caulfield, tells the story made me automatically want to read more. I am choosing characterization because in the novel there are many minor characters, and one main. The way each one comes and goes is interesting to me and I want to explore each aspect of the story more than any other. Holden leads a very shady life, and each other characters either push him in the direction of a positive life or a negative one. He likes the high life; drinking, smoking, sex, women, and money. He doesn’t put any effort into anything else, and slacks off in every private school his parents ship him off to. One thing I did happen to notice was, Holden has the urge to grow up and be an adult, similar to Ruby McCollin in the novel Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. Ruby’s mother abandons her, but then she is sent to live with her older sister and her husband. She thinks that because her mother doesn’t want her, she has to be an adult, especially since she’s 17. She reminded me of Holden, because she can be cocky, and is also self-centered. Holden only cares about himself, and no one else.
For my project, I have decided to make a poster of the novel. I am going to make a mural and have a quote from the story. I think that with making a visual, it will explain more about the book make people more interested.  I hope the poster will be a good idea, and get people interested.

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