Saturday, January 8, 2011

Animal Farm Evaluations

The drawing Jake drew showed the corruption of Napoleon as he gained power. Also, it showed the dogs, and how they were used in a threatening way. Finally, its shows Snowball as a blur in the bottom corner, because he slowly disappeared, changing the plot to where Napoleon was the one with power.

The message Aaron is conveying with his drawing, is the cycle that consisted of the plot of the novel. How there was a tyrant, and slowly power was shifted from person to person(or in this case animal) and some reactions from the animals.

The picture Olivia painted was one of the humans and pigs drinking beer together, showing the camaraderie between the two. Even though at the beginning the animals hated the humans, it shows the irony of the end situation.

The movie Enola created shows only the characters of Animal. There was not any connection to the story with the showing of the animals in it. 

The song Britta wrote described the relationship between the pigs and the other farm animals perfectly. The diction, they imagery, as well as rhythm was outstanding. Every aspect of her song proved how the pigs were fooling the animals with their lies.

The drawing the Porter created showed the oppression between the animals when Mr. Jones was there, as well as the Revolution and the opression when Napoleon was in charge. I thought the drawing showed a good comparison with Mr. Jones and Napoleon.

Joel's drawing of how man is greater than animal is an excellent representation of the beginning of the book. The second picture too showed how after Jones leaves, man and animal become equal.

The comic strip Galean drew depicted the novel entirely. From beginning to end, it showed how the pigs turned on the other animals and turned them into slaves, using the new-found power into evil.

I did not understand Daryl's drawing, because I was unable to read the text. 

Nic's photo conveyed the message of tyranny, of the pigs. The pig photographed showed how they turned against all of other animals on the farm, and welcomed the evil humans with open arms. I thought he did a very good explanation of how the photo related to the novel.

I think that I could have put more effort into my finished product. My explanation was not clear enough. The picture itself was okay, but you needed the text above to be legible to be able to understand the point was I was trying to make.

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