Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Critiquing & Analyzing: What I Have Realized

        In the last two weeks, I have listened to a number of essay written by my peers, and I have in turn read mine. After listening to all of the criticism (positive and negative), I have began to realize we all as a group have specific things to work on. The main thing in my personal opinion everyone needs to work on, is embedding quotes. There were a number of cases of people specifically said,"she said" or "he said", and I became acutely aware of everyone in the classroom becoming annoyed. Also, the page numbers. That was another issue. Most people embedded them correctly, but the other half of people put (pg. 17) or (Lee pg. 16). Another issue I noticed was people not having a very strong conclusion. The situation was individuals would have a very strong topic sentence, but as the paper read on, the weaker the diction and structure.
        One thing I need to work on from the checklist would be to shorten my paragraph, because I wrote to much for a 5 part paragraph. That will not be too hard because I know I can shorten all of my thoughts into a shorter, smaller, but smarter version. I also need to include embedded on my list of things to do, because I think I could improve my embedding on all of my papers. I do think that I did quite well, considering this be our first 5 point paragraph. The importance of all the aspects of one(5 point paragraph) is all very crucial in being able to get your point across and having a well written paper. Everyone did a good job for their first time writting the paper, but for the next paper I think it wouldn't hurt if we all tried harder to write outstanding paragraphs.


  1. Good job Meghann! Your post was very insightful, but there were some proofreading errors.

  2. Very in depth and it sounds like you know what you're talking about. Which means you've been listening in class, so good job! I also agree with Catherine one the fact that there were some proof reading errors but no worries.

  3. I agree with your point about the embedding and page numbers of the quotes. That topic was brought up quite a lot in class. Good job on the post.

  4. This was very well thought out and you sound like you know exactly what you were talking about :) And I know this is the 3rd time you're gonna hear this... but there are a few proofreading errors.
