Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My poem is "The More Loving One" by W.H. Auden. I immediately connected to this poem, because of how the narrator is looking up at the stars, thinking about their future. Why I connected to the stars aspect of the poem, is because I enjoy looking at stars. The one memory I have that I am always reminded of when I look at the stars is a night in Oregon with my dad. We were camping on the coast, and I remember not being able to sleep in our cabin. So my dad drove me to the Devil's Punchbowl, which is a huge sandstone bowl that has been shaped by the ocean's pounding surf. My dad and I were above the Punchbowl on the cliff overlooking it, and we both looked up. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. You could not see the darkness of the night sky, because the sky was filled with so many stars. Every constellation was showing. So when the narrator is looking up at the sky, thinking about things, I immediately connected.
I really feel passionate about this poem, because I have a very sentimental connection to it. I also enjoy how the poem is some-what sarcastic. The language in which this poem is written is formal diction, so it is very easy to read-but it is somewhat harder to actually understand. I had to read it through quite a few times before I finally understood the view of the narrator.

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