Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lobster Discussion: A Tale of Life and Death

While discussing the poem Lobsters, I was intrigued by several ideas that were discussed. My main point/idea was the fact that this poem has very literal meanings. The difference between life and death, the end of everything has the possibility of being the beginning of something new, which was the pot, somewhat symbolizing the Earth. I didn't completely understand that, but after analyzing the poem further, it made me realize how insignificant all the judgements of people and that you have are pointless, because you have to be able to live and let die, because before you know it, you might be the one in the pot. In the text, there was a comparison between life and the death of the lobsters in a boiling pot. I hopefully made some insightful points and changed some people's view on the poem, because after sharing my own idea, I had my perspective definitely changed.
 An idea that dominated most of the discussion was that of society v. the lobsters. While we all were vocalizing our thoughts and feelings on the subject, it struck me as a very logical way to explain the style in which he wrote it in. I really liked the idea, about how the lobsters were treated like the outcasts of our society, because us, the ignorant people who hate to like changes or differences, or lobsters in this case,  kill them instead of trying to understand them. It quite clearly is this- people hate changes. The lobsters are killed because they're so different from anything else in the world that we think we know about. Also, because they're delicious and eating the crustaceans is the thing we know to do with them.

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